Friday, January 17th, 2003: Boothead and the Girl

Turning Over a New Leaf To current comic Ladies Appreciate a Good Kamen

2003-01-17 00:27:10
by: regolith
No, there's no girl in today's strip. Way back in 2002 at about this time, I had this amazing idea, and now in 2003, Boothead has made his comic debut! I doubt the Girl will ever appear. Or Boothead again, for that matter.

I'm pretty tired... but I need to read more Dune: House Corrino... I'm almost done!


2003-01-17 13:24:35
by: regolith
Welp, I finished reading the book last night, but I woke up an hour late and got to work 45 minutes late, though I don't think anybody noticed. On the way, it seemed like there were police cars waiting on the side of the road every other mile, so I had to rein in my exuberance... It was also snowing(!) very, very, very lightly, so I'm amazed I even made it here alive. Meeting with boss-type person to go over my progress on the payroll app I'm working on went okay. Have to give her an estimate of how long it will take to get it working, though. Like, I dunno! I've gotta figure it out, though, since that's what she asked me for two weeks ago...

Hooray, I have a couple Star Trek: DS9 books to read now! I've really enjoyed every DS9 book I've read, especially the millennium trilogy and A Stitch In Time, so, uh... more nights of little sleep are to come, I guess.

Just a little longer 'till the weekend!


Snow and Estimates and Weekends (Oh My!)
2003-01-18 11:40:51
by: apon

Estimates are a pain in the ass, but they're a necessary evil. The key to doing a successful estimate is to figure out how long it would take you to write and debug the program if someone were to cut off one of your arms. Then double it because you're a programmer, which that means that you have too much confidence in your abilities, and you'll forget about at least one important thing.

We got a light dusting of snow again last night. The sun was out by the time I got out to my car this morning though, and most of it had melted. After only getting 1" on Thursday night, I'd have to say the past couple of days have been the least horrible snow experience I've had since moving here. The roads (and hence the cars) are frelling white with salt though.

It already is the weekend. Being at work right now, I'm not sure that I consider the weekend something especially special. On the plus side, the management people who have offices near me aren't around, so it's quiet. On the minus side, the overhead lights in my office (and all the offices on my side of the hall) aren't working. Though the translator did just compile (finally!), so it's not all bad.

Hmm. I like DS9, and I like books, but I'm not sure I would actually like them together. Bah, I still have several PKD, Nietzsche, and King books (plus manga!) to read before I consider anything new anyway.

So now we're actually doing the things we said we were going to do in old rants? Guess that means I need to think about the redesign again...


It works!
2003-01-18 15:58:28
by: apon

And now I do the dance of joy!

*does dance of joy*

Thank you ExceptionDescribe()! I only wish I had realized you existed sooner.


Donnie Darko
2003-01-18 21:40:14
by: apon

Go watch this movie. Incredibly good. I hope to god that Richard Kelly makes more films. Honestly, this is almost on par with Lynch's work.
