Monday, January 13th, 2003: Turning Over a New Leaf

Our Namesake To current comic Boothead and the Girl

Can't fix perfection...
2003-01-12 22:41:14
by: regolith
Matt and I had a little chat about the future of the comic this weekend, but it went basically like, "story hard! art hard! how fix?!?" So I think that means no change for the forseeable future. Though this picture-tracing thing I started doing is kinda fun, it's too hard to alter the poses. I tried making the girl lift an arm or something, but all I could do was give her hard nipples in the end. :\


fap fap fap fap...


ugh, adult swim schedule
2003-01-12 23:05:56
by: regolith
Now I have to wait 'till midnight for the good stuff to come on?! Good thing I have a TV in my bedroom now... *epiphany* Whoa, I can watch tv in bed! Insane! Also, miffed as I am about sunday, I like the addition of Lupin to the weekdays at midnight, though it also means staying up past my bedtime and watching a dub... I dunno if I'll be watching very often.


Yeah, Adult Swim
2003-01-13 12:37:07
by: apon

Nosir, I don't like it.

And did anyone else notice the distinct lack of a certain Tad Ghostal from the lineup? I'm noticing a distinct lack of our pal Tad.


Panzer Dragoon Orta First Impressions
2003-01-16 09:05:05
by: regolith
You're flying on this dragon thing, and it can morph to a heavy-type and light-type... Some guys in little ships fly around and shoot missiles at you and you have to shoot the missiles and the guys... They come out of nowhere and from anywhere around you since you can turn to fight from all sides of your dragon... Somehow the dragon can lock-on and shoot homing missiles and also bullets... I kept getting confused by the radar; I guess I thought it would would always be oriented to my view (like metroid), but it's oriented to the dragon's heading which confuses the hell outta me when I'm spinning around and don't see the source of this big red flashing dot and tehn they shots me wiht 40 missieles--OH NO I DIED! I get the feeling that memorization will be key to this one.


Damn You, FYE
2003-01-16 12:50:13
by: apon

We are extremely sorry to inform you that the item Panzer Dragoon Orta was cancelled because the warehouse was unable to fulfill it.  The item you ordered is not currently available. 

What the hell? The damn thing just came out! Seems pretty shady to me. Guess I'll have to spend a few bucks more and pick it up at Best Buy this weekend.

As far as Justin's Orta impressions go -- What's wrong with you man? It's like you've never played a PD game before or something! (Even if you haven't the control scheme has always been straightforward and intuitive.)


2003-01-16 16:34:17
by: apon

Depending on which Severe Weather Alert I choose to believe, we're supposed to get either 1-2" or 3-6" of snow accumulation by tomorrow morning. Since I absolutely have to be at work tomorrow, this thrills me no end. And since it's not supposed to get above freezing until Sunday, I'm really looking forward to dealing with the piles of snow and lovely ice that will make coming to work this weekend even more fun!

Crap. I'm so screwed.
