Monday, January 6th, 2003: Damn You, Neal Stephenson!

At Least There Weren't Any Whales To current comic Our Namesake

IOU One Rant
2003-01-05 23:01:39
by: apon

So I was supposed to write a rant or something. Fully intended to, even asked Justin to remind me. Even have something to write about. But I'm really tired, so I'm going to sleep. I'll try to put something up tomorrow.


No Snow Here...
2003-01-07 09:13:19
by: regolith
Guess he was really really tired... Welp, evil Fox put Joe Millionaire on at the same time as Everwood, so I had to tape JM, so I haven't seen it yet.

Last weekend... On Saturday, mom and I hopped into the truck and went around to some stores that had TVs, and I bought one for my room (27" Toshiba analog w/component in). Now, the cable upstairs sucks, and I was in the attic looking for the splitter that feeds my room when I forgot I was in an attic and stepped through the ceiling of my little sister's room. One foot only, I sat back onto secure ground, but now she's got a nice foot-sized hole over her door :) Anyway, I now have my gcube and xbox in my room... hooray!


2003-01-07 19:30:50
by: apon

Indeed, I was quite tired. Went and passed out straight away after posting the rant Sunday night. On Monday I got into work to find out that the security people were complaining about some services running on one of our lab boxes. Turns out a config we'd been running for years (before I got there, at any rate) was a problem for them, and a change to our router config by the network guys let them see it. Well, long story short, I spent a long day finding an adequate solution for AIX packet filtering, installing software, and implementing rule sets. By the time I got home all I wanted to do was watch Everwood and go to sleep.

...My internet connection seems to have gone to complete shit. Thanks, Comcast! More rantage later, perhaps.


2003-01-07 23:21:53
by: regolith
My White Ninja fan art is finally up! They had me pulling out my meager supply of hair yesterday when they hadn't updated all day... but I'm okay now.

Also... Whatever happened to that show, 7 Days?

Also... My new catalog (paper!) says panzer dragoon oorta and DOAX come out on 1/15... Time for drool and hooray in one week?


2003-01-08 15:20:01
by: apon

If you can see the floating Chiyo-chan, be very afraid... ^_^


Edit: Don't worry, I fixed it. -_-


Culinary Delight
2003-01-08 22:18:22
by: apon

Ground turkey does not make an adequate substitute for ground beef. That is all. Ugh.
