Friday, November 15th, 2002: Justin's Debut!

Do-Si-Do To current comic Fatigued

Old Rants Are New Again
2002-11-14 23:02:38
by: apon

In case you can't tell (my Justin's drawings are sometimes unclear) that's the guy who says "guten tag" and then shoots at you with his chaingun arms in Wolfenstein 3D.

Good luck, Patrick Justin!


2002-11-15 08:49:46
by: regolith
Hahaha, that's good... The western/desert stylings are exactly like atlanta :)

I found a way into work that doesn't involve taking I-75 to I-285 to Peachtree Industrial (you don't realize how horrible the Atlanta Peachtree problem is until you try to find a specific road...) so instead, I just drive for an hour on back roads. So much less likely to induce crashing/heart attack! Though on the last turn into the industrial park, I did go into the exit lane of the entrance... but I fixed it :) Have to remember that next time...

They have fountain drinks here! Pibb Xtra!!! Urg, skipped breakfast cuz I thought I'd be late if I didn't, but I'm totally early, so I'm a sad panda. No vending machines in sight... But there's a sushi restaurant somewhat nearby! There's also a Target really close by... Have to go get some metroidy and xbox livey stuff from them, I think...

Now, I just have to wait until I get a break, so I can call BJ's and quit :)


Xbox Live
2002-11-15 15:50:55
by: apon

After a thousand hours of typing my info out using a goddamn game pad, I have successfully signed up for Live. My gamertag is apon. Feel free to look me up for a game of Mechassault.


Damn You, THQ!
2002-11-15 15:54:39
by: apon

Quoth MotoGP:

  You do not have any friends



Cabley badness
2002-11-18 00:14:27
by: regolith
So now my cable modem is slow as a slow fish, and I can't upload anything or it will outright die, so I have to bring today's comic into work to upload it... cya later!

oh, and my Xbox Live gamertag is regolith. Just in case...


2002-11-18 09:35:59
by: regolith
OK, I can't copy the damn file from the damn diskette... damnit.

In other news, I got in about 20 minutes late today, so I have to stay 20 minutes after five? *shrug*


Told You
2002-11-18 10:59:42
by: apon

You should have followed my plan, which was to rar the file into 5k chunks and upload them to me. Then I could have assembled them and posted the comic! And just because I never told you this plan, that's no excuse for not going through with it!

As for the 20 minute thing, I'd say yeah. The general idea is to work 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week or whatever...


2002-11-18 11:27:09
by: regolith
Gawd, it's cold in here! I'm looking over some of our application/personnel forms to see how we can make them web-based, but it's too cold to concentrate!

Stupid diskette! "error performing inpage operation" -- That's a totally fake error message! Liar!


2002-11-18 11:53:32
by: apon

Stupid people won't turn down the heat in here! I wish it was all nice and cold in here, maybe I could get some work done. You're so lucky!
