Friday, September 13th, 2002: Sweet, Sweet Revenge

Jim! To current comic Everybody Loves Candy, Right?

Happy Friday the 13th!
2002-09-12 21:03:26
by: regolith
Welp, I gots me a little money to go towards a Zaurus for my birthday... Wonder if I should go for it...

Anyway, I'm sure nothing will go right for me at work today, and I'll get squashed by a falling queen-sized mattress. G'bye, cruel world!


Hello Sir!
2002-09-13 08:34:52
by: apon

Hope you enjoy the strip. It's about time he got his comeuppance! I was actually quite pleasently surprised to see the strip up this morning -- I had no indication that Rego even got my email with the script...

I'd just like to point out to Regolith that for less than the base price of the Zarus, he can get:

  • ABIT NV7-133R ATX Motherboard $86
  • Crucial 512MB DDR PC2100 CL=2.5 Unbuffered Non-parity 7.5ns 2.5V 64Meg x 64 $126.89
  • Throw in the cost of the CF 802.11b modem and an SD card, and he could also easily score:

  • Chaintech Geforce4 4200 "GT20" 64MB W/TV-Out and DVI ports Retail $130
  • That's one heck of an upgrade. Heck, he'd even be able to play the UT demo when it <fingers crossed>comes out this weekend</fingers crossed>.

    Moonbases commanded: 0. For being all gung ho about getting this game to play mp, Rego sure never seems to want to play. (Or ever be around, for that matter.)


    2002-09-13 14:53:02
    by: regolith
    I think I'll do neither! Until I have a more positive cash flow, I guess... To do the upgrade, I'd also have to get a new case with better airflow and a beefier power supply. Maybe I should just get a gamecube or something.

    bah, I'm on a pretty late shift at work tonight, but I'll punch you in the heart with my moonbases if you want, apon!


    Tape down that F5 key, kids...
    2002-09-13 21:29:43
    by: apon


    Saturday the 14th
    2002-09-14 22:50:59
    by: regolith
    Man, I liked that movie... Haven't seen it in forever, though...
