Monday, September 9th, 2002: Jim!

Jellies Guy Dom! To current comic Sweet, Sweet Revenge

I wonder what the space baby thinks about all this...
2002-09-08 23:17:06
by: apon

Cable: Well, the cable modem has had a more or less steady sync since sometime Friday, which has helped my sanity considerably. Unfortunately, the signal quality to my apartment is still shit, which means some spazziness. Cable TV still looks awful, and digital cable is still out. So, the Comcast service guy came out this morning at 9:00 AM (waking up == hard). After an hour of both of our time has been invested, he concludes that the signal quality is bad. Of course, I've known this since a phone CSR told me so over a week ago. GG Comcast. -_- Anyway, a line tech should supposedly have things fixed up by tomorrow morning. I'll believe it when I see it.

DVDs: You've probably already heard by now, but the color on the Reservior Dogs 10th Anniversary disc is quite disappointing. Still very watchable, but everything looks a bit 'off' -- the blood looks especially fake in some places. On the other hand, the sound quality, the extras, and the picture quality aside from the color are all much better than the old disc. And the Mr. Pink packaging is just too cool.

Manga: Finished off volume one of the Utena manga. I need much more! Volume 2 is on its way to me soon, but after that I have to wait for a decade or so for Viz to release the next volume. :-(

Shines: 52. Didn't get in a lot of playtime this weekend, spent more time watching DVDs instead.

Those green guys -- turns out, they didn't do it!


2002-09-10 22:02:19
by: regolith
Just found out about this Sharp Zaurus thing, and I need one. Way, way too geeky-cool. Lunix and Java on a 240x320 PDA with a slide-out keyboard thinghy and an mpeg video player... *gurgle* You. Buy me one. I'll give you candy? It's my birthday Thursday, gimme.


2002-09-11 11:07:09
by: apon

You should read this, it's a poignant look at what's happened.


Happy Birthday!
2002-09-12 07:15:43
by: apon

Happy birthday, Rego-kun!

I was going to have some sort of horrible, horrible bonus comic for today, but I fell asleep within about 15 minutes of getting home from work last night, so that's not happening. As for the Zaurus, sure it's cool, but with a CF 802.11b wireless modem and a decent sized SD card (both necessary to make it usable), you're looking at $500+. For that kind of money, you could upgrade your PC to something modern, a much better investment, IMO.

Beware backordering anything from NCS. They'll send it long before they said they were going to be able to (in the same batch as the people who actually ordered on time), and then UPS will do something wacky like show up while you're sleeping. So, now I shall have two copies of Ikaruga. Not sure what I'm going to do with the second one; probably just eBay it after the initial glut has cleared out and prices start to go up. Only one of my friends has a Dreamcast, and I suspect he has a copy already, so it's out as a gift or anything.

Getting to work while the clock still reads 6:xx is really strange. hopefully this won't screw up my sleep schedule too badly; I still have to deliver tomorrow's comedy gold to Rego for artification.


2002-09-12 08:06:48
by: regolith
So I made it to 22... The collected Fedex trucks and trees of the world haven't gotten me yet!

About my PC: It still works, mostly... And I think "scrap & replace" is the word instead of "upgrade." Of course, I'll need a lunix box to cross-compile for my future Zaurus... hmmmmm

About being awake at 8:00 am: Sucks! Gotta go to stupid work! But I get off at 12:45, so I guess it's not too bad?? Still need to pick someplace to go for my birthday dinner...
