Friday, July 25th, 2003: Alien Cowboy Barn Dance!

The End is Near!
07/24/03 11:48:09 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
The end of frickin' long waits in the afternoon on the exit from I285 to GA400, that is... They've had all the gov't inspectors in to look at our new workplace and we'll all be moving the stuff over Monday, unless something evil happens before then...


07/24/03 11:54:58 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: cooking-with-gas
Made pork fried rice for dinner... had to throw away my bean sprouts and most of the green onions because I'd thought I would get to making fried rice long before this... like 3 weeks ago... some pork I had bought turned all smelly and not pink, so I had to buy more. I cooked this stuff in time, though, and added cabbage for the first time. Seemed like a lot of cabbage at first, but then it kind of shrunk, and I felt I should have chopped some more... Owel, I'll know next time!

Also, fruit flies are not cool. They started hanging around my kitchen after I left some squished tomato bits on the cutting board one night. I think I've killed most of them and cleaned up the kitchen muchly, but, damnit, I hate having to make the effort! ;)


07/26/03 04:35:23 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

So, you have a multiplayer RPG. You're playing cooperatively with other people, in the same party. You'd think there'd be some actual cooperation instead of people getting in other people's ways all the time and running off on their own, right? Well, apparently that's too much to ask. On the plus side, the person who runs the server can boot the motherfuckers who can't seem to grok playing in a sensible manner and at least have some peace and quiet. (I rather expected them to at least apologize for the way they were acting after having been booted, but I guess that was too much to ask too.)


07/26/03 07:26:01 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

eBay now has goofy-arsed certificates for you to print out when you reach various feedback levels, such as this one that they 'encourage' me to print out. The sad thing is, you just know that there are people who print these things out and put them up on their walls.

Was going to go see 28 Days Later this evening, but the combination of one theatre parking lot being filled with construction and approximately 80 billion people going into the other parking lot convinced me not to. So instead I drove around for an hour or so, just seeing what's around and building my mental map of how the roads all fit together. Very exciting, I know.
