Monday, January 21st, 2002: No Comic

...Makes the World Go Round To current comic No Comic

Baby-Eating Rant Converter
2002-01-21 22:22:22
by: Baby-Eating Rant Converter

Sorry folks, it's another Artist Has Been Magically Transformed Into a Tree Stump Whose Only Company is a French Wailing Monkey-rat Sitting on top of a Crate Day. I made myself sleepy by not sleeping so much, and project gotham racing is hard.


Why is it that the scripts I like almost never actually become comics?

On another note, tonight I should be transitioning from my familiar (and quite good) @home service to Comcast Online. Slower speed, less features, higher payments. Thanks Comcast! The transition damn well better be complete by 2:00 PM like they promise. And it had better be flawless. -_-
